New York Innovative Theatre Awards nomination announcements, 20 July, 2015. Tony Naumovski for Outstanding Actor in a Feature Role.
Tony Naumovski was nominated for New York Innovative Theatre Awards Outstanding Actor in a Featured Role for Kentucky Cantata!!! Tony was one of only seven actors nominated out of the hundreds of shows and actors in the past year. Congratulations, Tony! Winners are announced this fall!
"Kentucky Cantata is a masterful work that is likely to stay with you for a long time after the final bows."
"Kentucky Cantata is a brilliantly-composed play in which the metaphorical fourth wall separating the actors from the audience is raised and lowered at various times, so that the effect is one of alternately looking through the two ends of a telescope. Some of the story is deliberately distancing, with an expressionistic tone and narrated directly to the audience. At other times — especially in the scenes between Larry and Dora (exceptionally well acted by Mr. Brady and Ms. Reiman) — the play takes on a naturalistic tenor. Collectively, the two styles engage the heart and the mind throughout."
-- Howard miller,
"A dark, poetic play"
"The play is directed with nuanced details by Kathy Gail MacGowan, with movement consultation by Kristin Swiat."
"Guitarist Chris Funke performs gracefully and with subtle charm"
"As Carolyn, Hayley Treider performs well"
"Tony Naumovski does a great job"
"Playwright Paul David Young's poetic writing moves comfortably between the psychological world of the characters (where a character speaks directly to the audience) and the traditional dialogue between a pair of actors at a specific time and place."
Angel Lam, Theater Is Easy